Masters of Classical Dressage
They give the most difficult dressage performances and show off perfect advanced dressage acts: the riding team surrounding Luís Valença. The experienced rider from Portugal and his team have been an integral part of CAVALLUNA from the beginning and look back at many years of experience with the show.
They give the most difficult dressage performances and show off perfect advanced dressage acts: the riding team surrounding Luís Valença. The experienced rider from Portugal and his team have been an integral part of CAVALLUNA from the beginning and look back at many years of experience with the show. Every year, they cast a spell on the audience with their beautiful white Lusitano horses.
To present advanced dressage performances with ease, the horses require certain physical skills and character traits. For Luís there is only one breed: the majestic Lusitano horse. In addition to their elegant gaits, which come naturally to them, they are very expressive and love to present themselves in front of an audience.
A Special Family Business
Even today, the horse "Pombo" still has a firm place in Luís Valença's heart, although it has been over 60 years since he received it as a gift from his grandfather at the age of 10. Other horses soon followed and after years of training, Luís Valença became one of the most renowned horse trainers in his discipline.
Even today, the horse "Pombo" still has a firm place in Luís Valença's heart, although it has been over 60 years since he received it as a gift from his grandfather at the age of 10. Other horses soon followed and after years of training, Luís Valença became one of the most renowned horse trainers in his discipline. He impressed spectators all over Europe with his Lusitanos - even the Queen. By now, there are three generations of passionate riders at the Valenças. Luís' daughter Filipa, who accompanies the team during the CAVALLUNA Tour, plays a big role in the success of the team.

The Equipe at CAVALLUNA
The team shows graceful quadrilles and the most advanced dressage lessons in perfection, such as the capriole. The capriole is considered the most difficult and elevated of all lessons in classical dressage.
The team shows graceful quadrilles and the most advanced dressage lessons in perfection, such as the capriole. The capriole is considered the most difficult and elevated of all lessons in classical dressage, because the horse jumps into the air, then kicks its hind legs at the highest point of its jump and then lands again safely - a spectacular manoeuvre to watch, even for non-equestrians. And if two horses manage to do it at the same time, it is even more impressive.