A Portrait of the Hasta Luego Academy

The Trick Rider Elite

The Hasta Luego Academy has been part of Europe’s most popular horse show for many years. With spectacular stunts on, next to and below their horses, the trick riders are not only part of Europe's elite, they are sure to be remembered by the audience long after the show.

The Hasta Luego Academy has been part of Europe’s most popular horse show for many years. With spectacular stunts on, next to and below their horses, the trick riders are not only part of Europe's elite, they are sure to be remembered by the audience long after the show. The stunt riders are guided and trained by the head of the team, Erik Hasta Luego. The Frenchman, who was formerly part of the equipe himself, has made training young trick riding talents his life’s work. In 1978, he made the Guinness book of records in a very special discipline: He dove beneath the belly of a galloping horse in just 12 seconds. Until today, the rider from the south of France still holds this record. 


Amazing Stunts in the Saddle

To perform the most spectacular stunts and rapid manoeuvres, the trick riders require a special kind of saddle: In addition to the large handhold in the front, they also need several loops and handles all around the leather seat. Erik is personally responsible for manufacturing these individual pieces that are tailored to the tricks.  

To perform the most spectacular stunts and rapid manoeuvres, the trick riders require a special kind of saddle: In addition to the large handhold in the front, they also need several loops and handles all around the leather seat. Erik is personally responsible for manufacturing these individual pieces that are tailored to the tricks.  
For many years, he has been working in this trade with great passion and extreme precision. This is the only way he can ensure that his protégés stay safe in the saddle while performing their risky stunts. 

Hasta Luego and Laury Tisseur

The Riding Team at CAVALLUNA

Every year, Erik Hasta Luego changes and improves the rapid show elements with his team. Therefore, during the show, the trick riders present unique stunts in the CAVALLUNA arena that will take the audience’s breath away. And of course, all of this is only possible thanks to a trusting relationship between the humans and horses.

Every year, Erik Hasta Luego changes and improves the rapid show elements with his team. Therefore, during the show, the trick riders present unique stunts in the CAVALLUNA arena that will take the audience’s breath away. And of course, all of this is only possible thanks to a trusting relationship between the humans and horses. After all, the riders must rely on their four-legged friends when they are galloping through the arena, while presenting rapid manoeuvres and firing up the audience with impressive stunts and explosive surprises. 


Current Show
October 2024 - June 2025

CAVALLUNA - Grand Moments
Now on tour in Europe

Discover the fascinating moments and breathtaking show worlds of CAVALLUNA "Grand Moments". Experience our show live in over 30 cities.

At Easter in Munich
12 - 27 April 2025

The show during the Easter holidays

Experience the CAVALLUNA kids show „Eine Show steht Kopf“ at the SHOWPALAST Munich. Visit the cheerful show with your whole family at Easter.

The Summer Show Munich
August 02 - September 14, 2025

The summer show

Experience the CAVALLUNA kids show „Sommercamp total verrückt!“ at the SHOWPALAST Munich. Visit the entertaining summer show with your whole family.