Europa-turné 2025/2026
CAVALLUNA - Tor zur Anderswelt
Innsbruck | Olympiahalle
Med et nyt program fejrer CAVALLUNA den næste sæson og inviterer store som små til forbløffende oplevelser! Selvfølgelig kan Europas mest populære hesteshow også opleves i Innsbruck – naturligvis i Olympiahalle. Kom og vær med fra 22. til 23. November 2025!
CAVALLUNA stable tours:
Exclusive stable tours for our new show "Tor zur Anderswelt" are not on sale in Innsbruck at the moment. Sign up for our newsletter if you would like to be kept informed! Click here to register: CAVALLUNA Newsletter
Please note that the offer is limited. Children under 16 years of age are only admitted when accompanied by an adult. The stable tour ticket is only valid in conjunction with the CAVALLUNA show ticket of the same day.
Further information on our stable tours can be found here: CAVALLUNA stable tours
0,20 €/min. inkl. moms.